The ALS Home and Daily Living Guide

The ALS Home and Daily Living Guide is an excellent example of what can happen when people with a shared vision come together and work to make it happen! Though we came from three different perspectives, we all knew we wanted to put out quality educational materials on ALS and care in the home. Joel Goldhirsh and his wife, Karen, were living the experience, and saw a need for something they could use now; David Meissner and Kim Hughes from YourALSGuide could see the gaps in the educational materials available and wanted to improve them for others; the ALS Hope Foundation had the team at the MDA/ALS Center of Hope with years of clinical experience and a desire to share that knowledge. The Joel Goldhirsh ALS Home and Daily Living Guide is the result of their work, as well as other collaborators from around the country who helped with the reviews and revisions.

Learn more and see the guide here!